1 Purpose

This document is an archive for the final data sets analyzed in:Facilitating behavioral change: A comparative assessment of ASHA efficacy in rural Bihar


Oskar Burger, Faiz Hashmi, Maciej J. Dańko, Santosh Akhauri, Indrajit Chaudhuri, Emily Little, Hannah G. Lunkenheimer, Sudipta Mondal, Nachiket Mor, Neela Saldanha, Janine Schooley, Palash Singh, Tracy Johnson, Cristine H. Legare

published in PLOS Global Public Health, 2022

In what follows we provide downloadable datasets in .csv format for datasets used in the figures and tables presented in the published manuscript. Each table has buttons labeled ‘Copy’ and ‘CSV’. Pressing Copy will copy the data set to the user’s clipboard. Pressing CSV will download a copy of the dataset in .csv format.

For questions regarding this data archive contact: oburger@omni.org

2 Datasets for searching or download

2.1 Maternal health score and ASHA interaction score

Table 2.1: Two aggregate scores are computed and analyzed in the main text, the maternal health score and ASHA interaction score

The definitions of healthscore and ashaintscore are defined in the methods section of the paper.

2.2 Percent mentions of each influencer category by Mothers

Table 2.1: The survey data led to a tallying of counts for number of times each influencer was mentioned by mothers. Here we present the percent of times each influencer was mentioned.

Column Definition

0 - mother did non-recommended behavior;

1 - mother did recommended behavior

influencer Which influencer category was named in association with the decision to do or not do the recommended behavior. See main text for description of influencer categories.
value count of mentions (number of times an influencer was associated with behavior (Qnames) and decision (Qvalue)
Qnames Each behavior analyzed in the paper. See main text for definitions.
type Is doing the behavior recommended or not recommended.
percent The percent of total mentions for this influencer by behavior association; the column ‘value’ converted to a percent.

2.3 Influencer data as formatted for main statistical models

Table 2.2: The survey data with covariates as used in logistic regressions, which are the main analyses of the paper.

Column Definition

0 - mother did non-recommended behavior;

1 - mother did recommended behavior

Age Age, categorical
Age_married Age at marriage, categorical
Parity Number of children at time of interview (total for that participant)
Edu Years in education, self-report, categorical
Weatlh Wealth, see main text for details of calculation.
Q{behaviorname} Series of columns starting with Q; dummy variables for each behavior in the analysis
Family:no_one Series of columns for each influencer in the analysis; dummy variables where 1 indicates that influencer was mentioned.

2.4 Model probabilities used in heatmap

Table 2.3: Computed model-based probabilities based on the model

This is the model-output described in the main text. The results of making predicted probabilities based on the model selection procedure.

Column Definition
Q Each behavior, see main text for details
I The influencer category, see main text for details
fit the model-predicted probability that a woman does Q in the recommended direction given influence from I and the control variables.
se standard error of the estimate of fit
N number of times that I was associated with Q

2.5 Data used in moderation analysis

Table 2.4: Moderation analysis for relationship between asha interaction score and maternal health score

Column Definition
healthscore Maternal health score as defined in main text
Parity Number of births as self reported by participant at time of survey
EDU Years of education, categorical, self report
ashaintscore ASHA interaction score as reported in main text of paper
ASHA_int_c ASHA interaction score, mean centered
wealth_diff ASHA’s wealth score - Mother’s wealth score. Procedure for calculating wealth score described in main text.
wealth_diff_c Wealth difference, mean centered
caste_diff 1 = ASHA and Mother are same caste, 0 = ASHA and Mother are different caste
relig_diff 1 = ASHA and Mother are same religion, 0 = ASHA and Mother are different religion